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Wessex Metal Detecting Association

website : http://geocities.com/SiliconValley/Monitor/7843/two.html

THE CONSERVATIVE CLUB at CHEAP STREET, NEWBURY. We meet at this very pleasant location on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 8.0pm. New members are always welcome both total beginners or fully experienced detectorists



Phoenix Metal Detecting Club (Peterborough)

Meetings held last Thursday of each month 7.30pm for 8pm at Peterborough Sports and Social Club Lincoln Road.

Cambridge and East Cambs Metal Detectors Club

We meet on the first Wednesday of each month.
Contact Derek Fitch, the Chairman.
The club email address is


South Lancs and Cheshire Metal Detecting Club

website : https://slcmetaldetectingclub.co.uk/index.html
Our Club (The SLC) holds a Club Members meeting first Wednesday of each month at...
St Basil's parish centre on Hough Green Rd, Widnes WA8 4SZ.
If you wish to join the club then click the Contact us box on the web site or write to our Club Secretary Brian Cross at brimo.cross@gmail.com

The SLC is reputed to be one of the oldest and one of the more successful Detecting Clubs in the UK, and with membership now hovering around the 90 mark, we are probably one of the largest clubs too.

West Kirby Metal Detecting Club

We Meet On The First Thursday Of Every Month At 8pm ,at West Cheshire Sailing Club situated on Coastal Drive New Brighton Wirral
Phil Moy (Chairman)
Telehone No: 0151 638 3450
Sarah Clarke (Secretary)
Telephone No: 0151 604 0492

Crewe and Nantwich Metal Detecting Society

Website: https://www.candnmds.co.uk

Regular rallies held in the surrounding areas, please contact the club via the website above for membership details etc.

Vale Royal Metal Detecting Society (Cheshire)

website : http://www.moulton.demon.co.uk
We are a small club of some thirty or so members, whose interest is the hobby of metal detecting.We meet on the third Monday of the month at The Knights grange public house, Grange Lane Winsford Cheshire.


Cleveland Discoverers

website : http://www.fqm.me.uk/
Cleveland Discoverers Metal Detecting Society now meets at the Coatham Memorial Hall at 7.00pm on the first Wednesday of each month.

Visitors are always welcome!


Kernow Search & Recovery Club Cornwall

Meetings every last Tuesday of the month 7ish at Hayle rugby Club.
Pretty laid back lot - anyone welcome to pop in and take look or join.
Find of the month, Club land when available.

Co Durham

Prince Bishop MDC

We are the 'Prince Bishop MDC' and operate out of Darlington. We have a open Website: www.princebishopmdc.com and a private forum for club members.

The club founder is Paul Harrison (the original & only founder of QAMDC); he can be contacted via PBMDC website. The club has a wealth of experienced and dedicated detectorists and a stunning range of land. We meet locally every other Wednesday for Club meetings, and get out every Sunday on organised digs, likewise we hold weekend mini rallies when the land and weather is permitting. There is a list of potential members for them who are interested in joining us

Dunelme Metal Detecting Club.

We meet at the Eldon Arms, Ferryhill Station, County Durham,

Meetings are every second Wednesday.

For enquiries, contact the following.

Tommy Allinson


Dunelme MDC



Freedomsearchers metal detecting club based in Darlington, County Durham
A newly established club covering North Yorkshire and north east of england .We have two digs per week mainly on Thursdays and Sundays. We have a limit of 25 members which is now been reached - anyone wishing to apply for membership can email the club at
freedomsearchers@hotmail.co.uk and you will be notified by email as soon as a position arrises and will be kept on file.

Tyneside Metal Detecting Association

website : http://www.tmda.co.uk
The club's meetings take place every two weeks at the Gateshead Bowling Green Club 10 Prince Consort Road Gateshead, on Monday nights at 7.30 pm. You are welcome to visit us, if you first contact the Secretary: Helga or the Chairman: Mel.

Quakers Acres Detecting Club

was established in 2004 by several experienced metal detectorists who wished to create a club that encompassed a limited membership, and whose patrons were genuinely interested in the historical aspect of the hobby and whom all would agree to operate within a strict set of professional guidelines.The club itself is based in Darlington, County Durham, and meets locally on a fortnightly basis with actual "digs" more or less arranged once a week for club members only.  contact the club at


Kendal and District MDC

website : http://www.kendaldetectors.co.uk
The club meet on the last Thursday of every month at the Cross Keys inn, Milinthorpe,
email of club secertary is
sarah_hall9@sky.com ask for Rod

Cumbrian Seekers.

So far we have 5 members, 2 of these being disabled. I myself am disabled and I am encouraging the disabled to join the club. We also are encouraging children and families to become active members. We are in the process of building our club website and hope to have this up and running within the next 2 weeks. We have places for 50 club members. So we have 45 places left. So please first come first served. So please if you wish to join check out our members page on our site when its up and running. We have areas where we can search through out Cumbria, again these will be made available to members of our club.

Mark Shackley on behalf of Cumbrian Seekers.


High Peak Metal Detecting Club.

We are a small friendly club based in Derbyshire's High Peak.
HPMDC meetings are the second and fourth Thursday of each month at

'The Queens'

2 Halsteads

Dove Holes

Near Buxton

Derbyshire SK17 8BJ

8pm start.

Please note that our club is fully subscribed and has a long waiting list.

Derby Artefacts Recovery Club

We are Derby Artefacts Recovery Club, Please see https://www.derbyarc.org

The club was founded in 1974 and has been continuously active since. We cap membership at 80. Members must also be members of NCMD (or equivalent) for insurance purposes. Meetings are held monthly in Derby February to December. We try to organise one dig a month and have occasional speakers at our meetings.

To contact us then please use the web site address above.

Chesterfield MDC

Contact (for details): Andy Morris by e-mail at
cmdc@hotmail.co.uk- ukdn forum name SQUONK
New website: www.chesterfieldmdc.com

Club meets on the first Monday of each month (second Monday if first co-incides with a Bank Holiday) at:
The West End Hotel
Westthorpe Rd
S21 1EU

Club meetings are often attended by the local FLO and occasional speakers / finds experts.
Club searches take place every 2-3 weeks.
Club membership is limited to 30.

Making Derbyshire Safer Metal Detecting Association.




We are a fully constituted Club and are affiliated with the NCMD and abide by their Code of Conduct. Our members come from the Taw and Torridge areas of North Devon which constitute a large part of this region. We currently have around 30 members with a varied mix of young, not so young, male and female making up the membership.

We have a Club Night meeting every month at the Methodist Church Hall in Great Torrington (except for December when we have a Christmas dinner), these meetings usually taking place on the 4th Monday of the
month with doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30 start. At our Club Nights we either have talks from guest speakers on a variety of subjects or have informal themed evenings when we discuss different aspects of the hobby. Every month, usually on the second Sunday, we also have a Club Search, these often taking place on a farm of historical
interest within our area.

Our membership fees are currently £25 per year for adults and £12.50 for under 18's, which includes £8 for insurance (prices correct at 1.3.2014). Anyone wishing to join our Club is welcome to attend up
to two Club Nights before committing to membership.

For further information about the Club please contact the Club Secretary, Julie
Hayman by email at:
hayman.gang@macace.net or telephone 01805 603205.


The Newton Abbot & District Metal Detecting Club was formed in the second half of 2013. We have a limit of all 35 members, which is at its limit, but there is also a waiting list. We meet once a month on the first Monday of the month at the Highweek Inn, Newton Abbot.TQ121QA. We hold monthly digs.

Our website is www.nadmdc.co.uk and we have a Facebook presence at Devon History Beneath Our Feet. Every member has Public Liability Insurance either from NCMD or AMDS. We abide by the rules of the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

Thank you … Gavin Kilty (Chair)

South Hams MDC

Mike Long. 5 Coppice Wood Drive, Woolwell, Plymouth, Devon. PL6 7QN

East Devon MDC

Monthly meetings at the Malsters Arms, Woodbury, Devon

Southwest Searchers Metal Detecting Club

We meet once a month in Plymouth and have two monthly digs.

For information on membership or any queries please contact membership secretary John Warn jhnwarn@gmail.com

Torbay Metal Detectors Club.

website : http://www.torbaymdc.co.uk

The club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month to discuss recent digs and finds, have coin/artefact competitions and arrange searches at one of the club’s many sites. Prospective members are assured of a warm welcome at any of our meetings or alternatively at one of the club searches. We are now open for new members.

If you are interested in joining contact us to find out more:
Contact: Mr Pete Nicholson 01803 612371   secretary@torbaymdc.co.uk

ISCA Metal Detecting Club ( Exeter )

ISCA Metal Detecting Club (Exeter, Devon) Our club was founded in 2013 and we meet in The Cat & Fiddle pub, Clyst St Mary, Nr Exeter, EX5 1DP on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

We currently have a long waiting list over 2 years but please do contact our Chair Mandy Davies on iscaexetermdc@gmail.com for more information and an application form/club rules.


Weymouth and Portland Metal Detecting Club

website : http://www.wpdetectingclub.org.uk/

Meetings are held at 7.30 pm every third Monday of the month at Weymouth, The Centenary Club, 21 Jubilee Close, Weymouth DT4 7BG.

Membership is open to all responsible detectorists, who must abide by all club rules. An annual fee of £20.0 is payable on joining the club (this will include your NCMD insurance).

Club Chairperson: Karen Brown

For further details please contact the following people:

Club Secretary: Mike Apps

E-mail: michaelapps@yahoo.co.uk

East Yorkshire

The Metal Detecting Society Cottingham East Riding
NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME - For further details, please contact: Mr Barry Freeman of Cottingham Telephone: (01482) 843213

Bridlington Metal Detecting Society

Meets at 1930hrs, first Wednesday of every month at the Black Lion, Bridlington old town, all welcome


Essex Detector Society
Hockley Community Centre

Westminster Drive



7.30pm – 10.00pm

Third Monday of the month.

New members welcome

Brentwood and District MD Club

Our membership is full. Our website address is http://www.brentwoodmetaldetectingclub.co.uk

East Coast Searchers Club
website :
The club meets the Brantham Social Club near Manningtree. second Monday of each month.
Club secretary is:
Glen (Ginger) Blake,
Tele 01206 251802

Colchester And District Metal Detecting and Artefact Club

website : http://www.colchestermetaldetecting.co.uk/
Meet on the first Friday of every month at the Arena Colchester at 8.00pm.
Club Secretary Maurice Rogers Tel 01206 734763 E- Mail
website administrator Roy Charlton E-Mail

Dedham Vale Detectorists, we hold our meeting on the 3rd Thursday of the month, we currently have a members list of 75 and already have a waiting list.
Contact details: Registration enquiries Mr Andy Howard. 01206 271912
Chair lady is now Mrs Wendy Howard
Vice chair is now Mr R Macintosh
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Royal British legion Boxted


Cotswold Heritage and Detecting Society
website : http://www.chadsdetecting.org.uk
Club meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month (unless Bank Holiday) at the Exmouth Arms Public House, Bath Road, Cheltenham, Glos. Guests welcome on the night

Hucclecote Metal Detecting Club, Est.1974, based in Gloucestershire

Several people with a passion for history and metal detecting came together and formed the club in 1974 . Both Men and Women play an active role in the club

We have a good relationship with our local Finds Liaison Officer Kurt Adams who occasionally attends our meetings to identify and record finds we have found.

The club members attend several local events to show off their finds and talk to the public. We also raise money by letting people see what they can find in our buried treasure patch of seeded pre decimal coins and together with the sale of second hand books and other items we are able to raise money for our local Air Ambulance which we are passionate about.

Sometimes we are lucky enough to talk to land owners who have found our finds interesting and would like us to see what we can find on their land. We will always help people find items of metal they have lost if we can.

Contact can be made using my email, robert poole <bobgpoole60@gmail.com>


Taynton Metal Detecting Club

website :http://www.glevumdetecting.co.uk/
Club Meetings are held every two months.
We aim to have a minimum of one detecting outing a month.
Prizes for Best Finds between meetings and a special annual prize.
We now designate the first 3 people on the waiting list as 'Prospective Members' and they are allowed access to some club facilities ie: to digs for a small fee. Loads of details on the website, plus pictures of finds.

SevernVale Historical Research and Detecting Society (SHRADS)www.shrads.org.uk

Club meets on first Wednesday of the month in Thornbury (South Gloucestershire) for more details contact the chairman Nick Keeler on



For more info visit our web site   website.haylingdetect.co.uk

We now meet at the Royal British Legion, Hayling Island on the last Tuesday of the month, find us on Facebook and Instagram - We have digs in and around Hampshire.  Club address is 16 Station Road, Hayling Island,  Hants, PO11 0EG

We are taking new members at the moment. Wayne Trumper. Email: haylingdetect@gmail.com
Phone: 07849869257

South East Searchers

We're a friendly members only club, that meet every Sunday across Sussex and Hampshire, we welcome new members.

Please contact Sara or clive at sesmetaldetecting@yahoo.com 07522895892, we look forward to hearing from
you :-)


Herts and District Metal Detecting Society
website : http://www.hdmds.co.uk
If you would like more information regards membership, please go to the membership page, where there is a simple form to submit to apply for details.

Isle Of Wight

Vectis Searchers Club (Isle of Wight)


Mid-Kent Metal Detecting Club.

We are a friendly club offering the benefits of regular monthly club meetings at which our members socialise, show and record finds and hear presentations from invited speakers who give talks on their specialist subject.

The Club also arranges detecting rallies, publicity events and works closely with local archeological groups and museums.

The Club maintains displays of members finds at the Maidstone Museum providing an educational service to members of the public interested in ancient metalwork and the hobby itself.

The MKMDC was founded in 1977 and is one of the oldest surviving clubs in Kent.

For more information please see our website..at

Canterbury and District Searchers.(C.A.D.S)

Chairman: Neil Allen. -

Cinque Ports Detecting Club

We launched just before lockdown in February 2020. We are based in Sandwich, Kent.

Our membership and waiting list are both full but for more info it would be appreciated if you contact Paul Shrubb on info@cpdc.online

Folkestone Metal Detecting Club

website : http://www.masong.freeserve.co.uk/hp/md.html
No longer a members club, just a few friends who have a search together now and then

Romney Marshland Metal Detecting Club

website :http://www.btinternet.com/~philip.waterhouse/default.html
currently our membership is 74 this being a mixture of Full, Associate and Honorary members.The Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at The Clubhouse, Marlie Farm Holiday Village, Dymchurch Road, New Romney, Kent.

Swale Search & Recovery Club

The Swale Search and Recovery Club will have been in existence for 34 years this year, originally as the Isle of Sheppey Metal Detecting Society.

Club meetings are held at The Hastings Arms in Gillingham, Kent every 1st and 3rd Thursday evening of the month.

Our club members come with all levels of ability and experience in the hobby and are happy to welcome newcomers.

In addition to regular club meetings we attend rallies. Some are small events on our own club land

and some are national events along with other clubs

Any prospective members wishing to join the club may be asked to enroll on the waiting list

As a member you will be enrolled as a member of the NCMD (National Council for Metal Detecting)

Royal Phoenix Detecting Group.

Meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month
at the Cricketers Public House
River, Dover Kent.

White Cliffs Detecting Club,

Meet every 1st Tuesday of the month
at the Cricketers Public House
River, Dover Kent.

The Medway Pirate's

We are based in kent. We meet the 3rd Thursday in each month at the Cecil Arms, Cliff Road, Strood at 8pm. New members welcome. Contact Pete Clarke on 01634 723986 or 07984235388


Lune Valley MDC

Website http://lunevalley.no-ip.co.uk
Lune Valley M.D.C meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at the Lansil Golf Course Clubhouse, Caton Road, Lancaster. The meetings start at approx 7.30pm and lasts until approx 10.30pm.
Contact Information via our online submission form for membership info & club chairman.

* Meeting Events
* News Letter
* Raffles
* Finds of the Month
* Guest Speaker
* Rallies - Information
* Any other club business
* (twice yearly buffet)

Please come along to our meetings, enjoy friendly conversations with other members & discuss any detecting related issues, problems, hints n' tips,advice, how to clean & conserve your finds etc etc. Find out all the latest news about our hobby and how it might affect you in the future. A club is only as good as it's members and the effort that they put in. We need members like you !

West Lancs Metal Detecting Club

website : http://www.westlancs-mdc.co.uk
Based in Blackpool and meets monthly at the St Annes Rd Working Mens Club in Blackpool on the last Thursday of every month. Anybody wishing to join our Club or wanting information about the Club please email or turn up at a meeting

South Lancs and Cheshire Metal Detecting Club

website : http://www.slcmetaldetectingclub.co.uk
St Basil's parish centre on Hough Green Rd, Widnes WA8 4SZ.

on the 1st Wednesday of the month
New Members still welcome.

The SLC is reputed to be one of the oldest and one of the more successful Detecting Clubs in the UK, and with membership now hovering around the 80 mark, we are probably one of the largest clubs too.

South Ribble Metal Detecting Club, Preston
We meet first Monday of every month
We have numerous rallies throughout the year
Our meeting place is the Bridge Inn Pub, Walton Le Dale, Preston
8pm start. We currently have a waiting list for membership, please see website

Ribble Valley Metal Detecting Club
Meet at the "New inn" Clitheroe Lancashire
Please see website for details http://www.findsuk.com


Hinckley Search Society

The Hinckley Search Society meet on the first Tuesday of every month at Westfield Community Centre in Hinckley. Currently there is a waiting list to become a detecting member and non-detecting members will be given first priority when vacancies occur in the new year.

Loughborough Coin & Search Society (Established 1968)

Chairman; Mr Peter Minshall

Treasurer; Mrs Anne Wadsworth

Gen Sec; Mr John Maloney

Dig Organisers: Mr Malc Mott & Mr Brian Campsell

Website https://www.lcss.org.uk

Meetings & venue on website.

Please note: Metal detecting membership opens between January - March annually.

Between April and December please apply for waiting list & updates via the website.

Non-members will receive invites to digs subject to land availability.

Leicestershire Metal Detecting Society

Established in 2014.
We meet on the 1st Thursday of every month at Barrow-Upon-Soar Conservative Club.



Wolds Historical Research Society
Meet at the Red Lion Spilsby every third Tuesday of every month
All things detecting including talks, detecting days etc. Relaxed atmosphere and good company. Prospective members welcome.
Secretary - Kev Woodward (01507) 534005

Lincoln Historical Search Society.
Meet at the Tyrwhitt Arms, Ferry Rd, Lincoln, LN3 4HU on the first Thursday of each month. Contact



Timeline Detection a club setup in the Midlands in June 2011 founder John Williams



Old Scouts Rugby Club
Rushmere Rd


Meet on 2nd Tues in month at 8pm

Details at dmcchester@hotmail.com


Warsop Metal Detecting Society
website : http://www.warsopmds.co.uk/
has a fixed membership of 40. The society holds general meetings on a monthly basis, we welcome everyone who actively wishes to share their interests of this fascinating hobby.

Ashfield Metal Detecting Club
Website http://www.ashfield-mdclub.co.uk
Membership held at 30 members
Meet at the Rifle Volunteer Inn, Forest Road, Skegby, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. NG17 3BL on the first Monday every month unless this is a Bank Holiday, then the following Monday.
email :


East Norfolk Metal Detecting society
President - Barrie Sharrock.

We meet at Hemsby Sports and Social Club, Hemsby, Norfolk on the first Wednesday of the month. Club Membership for the year is £15 including membership to the Sports and Social club. Visit our Web-site - www.enmds.weebly.com


Phoenix Archaeology & Historic Group
website : http://www.phoenixarchaeology.co.uk/
We are an amateur group who wish to investigate as much land as possible in the area around Banbury (Oxon) in order to map out the land usage and settlement from prehistoric times to the present day. We do this by document research, field walking to recover items such as flint or pottery and, wherever possible, we use Metal Detectors to recover buckles, buttons and coins ets which are dateable evidence.The items that are recovered are carefully cleaned, conserved and recorded. Objects of importance are then recorded with the Find's Liaison Officer for the area. This is all carried out in accordance with the Portable Antiquities Scheme.
Finds are then preserved by members of the society or placed in a museum in accordance with the landowners wishes. All information is recorded by area or farm and a copy of the file passed to the landowner. All our members work within our constitution rules and our health and safety policy, copies of which are available. The society and members are all insured with the Federation of Independent Detectorists, and have public liability insurance up to £5,000,000. Our group also offers a free search and recovery service to members of the public and farmers.
Our meetings are held every first Tuesday of the month at the Flowing Well Pub, Broughton Road, Banbury, Oxon and this includes talks and a chance to share information and discussion of finds.


The Scottish Searchers
website : http://www.scottish-searchers.co.uk
A new Scottish club started in September 2007
We have two FREE digs per month
We don't have meetings as we know detectorists have busy life's so we have online meeting on our club forum. As a club we stick clearly to metal detecting as a fun pastime. Our members have years of experience in this hobby and have made some wonderful finds. to find out more please log on to our forum....link above or call Toddy Irvine on 01324876369 or e-mail
We charge a yearly sub of £99 which has optional FID
Members 15

East Lothian Metal Detecting Club

Dean Houston (chairman)



The Ayrshire Research and Detecting Group
The Ayrshire Research and Detecting Group was formed in 1980 and meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in Dreghorn Community Centre , near Irvine.
The meetings are very informal and last approx. one hour. There is one outing per month , usually on the Sunday following the meeting. Outings range from beaches to parks and can be anywhere between Dundee and Carlisle.
Usually two rallies are attended each year and these count towards the club championship which is held at the AGM in March. There is also a prize for the best site , best coin and artefact .
The club has 15 members and costs £10 per year to join. There are no other fees to pay but members are encouraged to join the FID to obtain insurance.
If anyone requires other information on the club or would like to join the secretary, Alan Leishman, can be contacted on 01294-466450 or

Highland Historical Search Society- Based Inverness
My name is Len Pentecost-Ingram, you may have seen me often in Treasure Hunting or Searcher in an ad for cordless headphones standing near Loch-Ness . I have been running the Highland Historical Search Society since 1988.
We are a fairly small club of around 25 and hold an evening meeting at Whites Electronics Inverness every other month, and have a club search once a month. We find much the same type of stuff as most clubs but far less amounts due to the low population in the past around these parts. We, also like many other clubs have been involved with "Two men in a trench" and "Time Team" and countless radio interviews/press features.
Some of the highlights in the past for me have been working with archaeologists on an ironage site and finding a hoard .
I caught the detecting "bug"way back in 87' and have never looked back I ,still always enjoy that exciting sense of the unknown every outing and so far have never got tired of this absolutely fascinating hobby.

Scottish Artefact Recovery Group
website : http://www.sargclub.co.uk/
email sargclub@hotmail.co.uk

if you are interested in finding out about Metal Detecting or want to join, you would be most welcome to come to our Club meeting which takes place:- On the last Tuesday every month in the Bonnybridge Social Club in Bonnybridge Stirlingshire at 7.30 pm.

The Club is an affiliated member of the NCMD and the Scottish NCMD Region.
The Club consists of 40 members(2006)
We have Club digs once a Month organised by our site officer.
Club Syllabus in place showing all Club events and Speakers for the year, rules, contact numbers.
Monthly newsletter posted to all members.

The Scottish Detector Club
website : http://www.scottishdetectorclub.com/

The Scottish Detector Club is Scotland’s oldest established club founded in 1977. The SDC meets on the first Monday of every month at 7.30pm within the Wester Hailes Education Centre, 5 Murrayburn Drive, Edinburgh, EH14 2SU. (Please note: no meeting held in January).

Everyone has a chance to air their views about the running of the club and most of all, we enjoy our meetings and digs.

Currently, there are 93 members, and our evening meetings are very informal. We try to arrange outings to farmland on Sundays whenever sites are available, usually in the Lothians and Borders areas, sometimes in Fife. We make a charge of £5 per outing which goes towards a donation for the landowner/farmer and helps to keep club funds healthy.

The club has been involved in many surveys assisting archaeologists at historic sites such as the Battles of Pinkie (1547) and Prestonpans (1745). Some of our members have appeared on ‘Time Team’ and ‘Two Men In A Trench’, so we think we have a good track record.

Membership runs from the A.G.M. in April until the end of March and currently costs £20 a year, £8 of this going towards NCMD membership and insurance.

Website: http://www.scottishdetectorclub.com/

If you are interested in joining the SDC, Contact the Club Secretary, Linda Adams at: scottishdetectclub@gmail.com


Marches Metal Detectorists
meetings held at Stretton Hall Hotel, Shrewsbury Rd, All Stretton.
denise.gunn@btinternet.com for any further details.


WHRADA(Weston Historical Research And Detecting Association)

We are a friendly club of metal detectorists dedicated to finding lost history and recording finds to increase historical knowledge. At present we have a reasonably low waiting period for potential new members.

We meet every 2nd Tuesday of every month (unless a bank holiday) in the Clevedon area.

Please feel free to visit our new website at https://whrada.website  and use the contact form for any enquiries.

South Yorkshire

Doncaster Detector and Collectors Club
website : http://doncasterdetectors.tripod.com
If you want to get in touch with us please email Vanessa at


North Staffs Metal Detecting Club
membership currently 70 & capped
meeting place still same (but restricted to members only) 2nd Monday of every month.
Chairman Terry Windsor
Admin/Site Officer Alan Ridgway contact details;
Club established 1978.


Ipswich and District Detecting Club
We meet the last Tuesday of every month at the Whitehouse Community Centre, Limerick Close, Ipswich at 7.30pm.


Camberley and Bagshot Metal Detecting Club
The club has a limit of 40 members (now fully subscribed) who come from Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire. If you would like to be placed on the club waiting list, please email using the following link, including your phone number and address

Discoverers Metal Detecting Club , Guildford

We are a small club in Guildford called the Discoverers; we meet second wed of each month at the Guildford British Legion club.

We are open to new members and our fees are small to join;

We have had some successful finds over the years and we enjoy getting together for a drink and meeting;

Many thanks

Gordon Tyerman

Discoverers Metal Detecting Club


01252 678589


South East Searchers

We're a friendly members only club, that meet every Sunday across Sussex and Hampshire, we welcome new members.

Please contact Sara or clive at sesmetaldetecting@yahoo.com 07522895892, we look forward to hearing from
you :-)


Brecon Metal detecting club
We are a friendly club in the heart go the Brecon Beacons, rich Roman Area.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month.
Website: www.breconmdc.co.uk email:

Rhondda Artefacts & Research Enthusiasts
Website : http://www.freewebs.com/raremdclub/
Rhondda Artefacts & Research Enthusiasts club are currently based at Ferndale Rugby Club, Rhondda Cynon Taff. We are a warm and friendly club. We hold meetings every fortnight (see club meetings on website) and we welcome any new members to join our club.

Wrexham Metal Detecting Club
limited to a membership of 60 and are subject to a waiting list. We meet at the Community Centre, in Frances Avenue, Wrexham and start at 7:30 pm. You are welcome to come as a guest and chat to our long standing and experienced members, so why not come and visit us.

Wrexham Heritage Society.

The Club meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7.30pm.

location :  Acton Community Resource Centre, Overton Way, Wrexham. LL12 7LB

Email :     WrexhamHeritageSociety@proton.me

The club has been in existence for over 20 years.

Membership is open

We are an NCMD listed club.

Swansea Metal Detecting Club

Founded in 1979, the Swansea Metal Detecting Club or SMDC is a well established club with a broad membership. The club hold fortnightly meetings in Swansea with monthly competitions and general socialising. There are regular rallies on local farms as well as 'anytime farms' which members access. Visit the web site for contact and membership information

'Heritage Metal Detecting Club. Swansea'

The Club was formed on the 1st. January 2014 and currently has 63 members.

We meet alternate Thursdays at the Fords Social Club. Llangyfelach Rd. Treboeth.

Swansea. (See web site)

Current membership fees are £15 pa. Adult & £10 pa. Junior.

Club Chairman is Gloria Sanders... gloria.sanders@hotmail.co.uk 01792 850917

The Sec' is David Hughes. welshguy20@hotmail.com 01639 638923

Web site at heritagemdc-swansea.co.uk

Cardiff Scan Club
The Club meets every 2nd Wednesday in Cardiff, has regular rallies and Club land. Membership is limited to 145.

To see if we are taking new members or to just generally keep up to date with detecting issues, see our Public Facebook page : Cardiff Scan Club, metal detecting group https://www.facebook.com/groups/723456092434828/

Gwynedd Recovery and Search Society
website : http://www.grass.i12.com
We are centered in North West Wales but have members from as far away as Oswestry. Our main detecting areas are around Bangor and on the Isle of Anglesey but we like to travel to other areas when possible.

Pembrokeshire Prospectors Metal Detecting Club
website : www.pembrokeshireprospectors.org.uk
The Pembrokeshire Prospectors Society now meets at The Cricket Club, Dale Road, Haverfordwest on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30pm

The Historical Search Society (Mold) (North Wales)
website :
The original & best metal detecting club, which has been in existence since it's formation by 6 detecting enthusiasts in 1976 is based in the historical town of Mold, Flintshire, North Wales. U.K.
We currently have around 120 members, both men and women.The chairperson is Jane Speed, The secretary is Vince Jones. Our meeting venue is Mold Town Hall, Earl Road. Mold (opposite the Post office)

We meet on the second Friday in each month We try to arrange for speakers to give presentations whenever possible on appropriate subjects. A Find of the Month competition is held each month. Displays of members finds are also on show.
Meetings start at 7.30pm for 8 and usually finish around 9.45 to 10.00 pm.
Please feel free to visit us at any meeting without pressure or obligation, If you do visit please ask any member to be introduced to one of our committee members upon your arrival, you will be made most welcome. All our members are members of the National Council for Metal Detecting and are covered by Insurance for public liability for £20,000,000.
To attend our club outings you must be a member of the National Council and so hold the required insurance cover.

Celtic Searchers, Llanelli , Carmarthenshire

Club Forum www.celticsearchers.createaforum.com

Club email celticsearchers@hotmail.co.uk

Meetings First Thursday of month, New Dock Stars Rugby Club, Llanelli 8pm

The most active and friendliest detecting club in South Wales as members from all across South Wales will agree.

You will not meet a friendlier bunch of guys and gals anywhere in South Wales. Even dogs make their owners exercise with us at rallies.


Long Compton Archaeology Group
website : http://www.longcomptonarchaeology.co.uk

We are an amateur archaeology group which is part of the Compton District History Society. Our aim is to investigate as much land as possible in the area around Long Compton, Warwickshire in order to map out the land usage and settlement from prehistoric times to the present day.We do this by document research, excavations and field walking to recover items such as flint or pottery and, wherever possible, we use Metal Detectors to recover buckles, buttons and coins etc which are dateable evidence.The items that are recovered are carefully cleaned, conserved and recorded. Objects of importance are then recorded with the Find's Liaison Officer for the area. This is all carried out in accordance with the Portable Antiquities Scheme.
Finds are then preserved by members of the society or placed in the village museum in accordance with the landowners wishes. All information is recorded by area or farm and a copy of the file passed to the landowner.All our members work within our constitution rules and our health and safety policy, copies of which are available to members. The society and members are all insured, including public liability
Our plan for 2008 is to excavate a double winged Roman Villa and Medieval site.
The group also offers a free search and recovery service to members of the public and farmers.Our meetings are held every second Wednesday of the month at Long, Compton Village Hall and this includes talks and a chance to share information and discussion of finds.

West Midlands

Midland Metal Detecting Community
Founder: John JoyceWebsite:

Forum: http://www.midlandmdc.co.uk/forum
Email : admin@midlandmdc.co.uk

Please check our website for our dig and meeting arrangements.
New members and guests welcome.

Four Quarters MDC

We are based in the West Midlands and have nearly 150 members and started the club in May 2014.
Our website is www.fourquartersmdc.co.uk
Contact Martin Sibley martinsib70@gmail.com

Dudley Metal Detecting Club

well established club with fortnightly rallys.

Chairman John Sibley 07514521788.

West Yorkshire

Wakefield District Relic Hunters
website : http://www.detectorpro.co.uk
we are a small detecting club, based in the Wakefield and Five Towns ( Pontefract, Featherstone, Normanton, Castleford and Knottingley) area of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Great Britain.We have a monthly meeting, usually the first Monday, to discuss finds, metal detecting issues and to generally have a good laugh. You can contact us via this email link for more information:

Two Dales Metal Detecting Club
Would be members of the Two Dales club go on a six month probationary period. During this period we ask you to attend three club meetings. The minimum time requirement to fullfil the Membership criteria is just three months, after which you can apply for full membership. We meet on the first Tuesday in the month at 7.30 pm in the " Old School Room" Addingham.

Central York 's Metal Detecting Club

Secretary John Shaw. 10 Woodhouse Gds, Brighouse. HD6 3UH
Meeting Place: Lofthouse Working Mens Club, 2nd Thursday of each month at 8-00pm


We are a brand new club based in Chippenham Wiltshire. We will have our first Club meeting on the 30th January 2011 at The Pheasant Pub, Bath Road, Chippenham 7.30pm. Experienced and new Detectors welcome, we will be looking for members to form a committee of a Chairman, Secretary and finds officer. Our aim is to have great days out as a Club, share information and enjoy our Hobby together.

William Barton


The TENBURY WELLS METAL DETECTING CLUB in Worcestershire is looking for new members.
Contact Peter Laver on
ukpete36@aol.com or phone number 07866 124799

Redditch Historical Detection Society
contact Frank Wiley, 21 Penn Manor, Finstall, Bromsgrove, Worcs
Secretary :- Mark Strangwood

We meet on the first Monday of the month (unless Bank Holiday, then 2nd =
Monday) at Abbeydale Social Club, Gibbs Rd, Abbeydale, Redditch.
Monthly rallies run for members and guests.


Here is our list of UK-Based metal detecting clubs. If your club is not listed or you need to alter the details we hold here then send an email to enquiry@ukdetectornet.co.uk with the subject line UK CLUB DETAILS